

监测结果显示东莞孕妇碘缺乏的趋势。 专家建议:



广州日报(万万里,全媒体记者)昨天是碘缺乏病基线的第26天。 今年的主题是“科学补充碘,健康和减轻贫困。“昨天上午,在东莞市2019年营养与健康主题和碘缺乏病日的主题推广活动中,东莞市疾病预防控制中心公共卫生监测中心主任扎根建军,讨论是否正在上升。 甲状腺癌的发病率是“吃碘盐”说:“没有证据表明,这与甲状腺癌的高发病率或与环境,精神压力和大大改善的诊断技术有关。”




赵建军说,东莞的寄生虫一直保持着消除碘缺乏病的状态,监测结果显示,东莞2018年有8个?一般将10岁儿童和孕妇的碘营养维持在适当水平,儿童甲状腺肿的发生率为0。 但是,孕妇中存在碘缺乏的趋势,存在碘缺乏的风险。

“由于孕妇和哺乳期妇女对碘的需求比普通人高,因此碘缺乏症很容易发生而没有引起注意。赵建军说,孕妇缺碘很容易影响体重的增长和发展,引起流产,早产和婴幼儿智力问题。 婴儿或学龄儿童中的碘缺乏也会损害智力并导致发育迟缓。

赵建军告诉孕妇,在怀孕期间要补充碘。孕妇补充碘有两种主要方法。 首先,有孕妇的家庭可以为孕妇食用碘盐。 其次,如果家庭食用普通的碘盐,为了确保孕妇有足够的碘营养需求,建议孕妇每周食用富含碘的食物。海藻汤。



根据国家和省的统一部署,东莞从1996年开始逐步推广食盐和碘的使用,以预防碘缺乏症的危害。 经过20多年的并发症,它取得了巨大的成就,但这并不意味着东莞市民不需要碘补充剂,因为外部环境碘缺乏。 一旦停止补充碘,慢性碘缺乏症很容易引起碘缺乏症。

赵建军说,对全省的监测表明,广东人群中的尿深圳代妈可以做吗碘中位数为160μg/ L,很远,碘过量的下限浓度为300μg/ L。 因此,我省碘盐浓度不会引起碘的过量。东莞2018年碘缺乏病监测结果显示,全市碘盐覆盖率为97。7%可以采取更好的行动。

赵建军说,合并预防措施可以替代东莞居民目前的碘营养。 “但是,如果我们不遵守食盐加碘政策,东莞可能会再次出现碘缺乏病。 因此,市民仍应食用碘盐。”



吃碘盐可以预防甲状腺疾病。However, the data show a significant upward trend in the incidence of fractures and chronic thyroid cancer.According to the "2019 National Latest Cancer Report" issued by the National Cancer Center, the overall incidence of cancer and thyroid cancer ranks 7th in the incidence of malignant tumors and currently ranks 4th in the incidence spectrum of female malignancies.

Faced with the high incidence of thyroid cancer, many people have doubts and thoughts: Is this related to the consumption of iodized salt?"At present, there is no evidence that the rise in thyroid cancer is related to salt iodization.Zhao 深圳代孕网哪个正规 Jianjun said that recently, experts in related fields have completed coverage across the country 7.The "Iodine and National Thyroid Disease Survey" of more than 80,000 adults aged 18 and over did not find that iodized salt consumption was associated with a high incidence of thyroid cancer.

At present, experts in related fields have gradually explored the reasons for the rise of thyroid cancer.Zhao Jianjun said that the current high incidence of thyroid cancer may be related to factors such as environment, diet, lifestyle, and mental stress.In addition, after a significant increase in the rate of health checkups and a significant increase in medical checkup technology, a significant increase in the detection rate of thyroid cancer will also occur.

There 代孕机构深圳有吗 are about 107 stalls in the city selling non-iodized salt

According to the estimates of Dongguan Salt Industry Co., Ltd., there are currently 107 shops (stalls) selling iodized salt in Dongguan, which are distributed in various towns.

Chen Xinyuan, a staff member of the Municipal Salt Industry Company, said that there are several ways for citizens to identify the authenticity of certain iodized salt in the city.First of all, our province adopts a new unified laser anti-counterfeiting iodized salt logo. Citizens should recognize the trademark "Guangdong Salt" of Guangdong Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. and beware of counterfeiting.At the same time, it is recommended that citizens go to shopping malls, supermarkets, salt companies' own stores or direct supply outlets to buy.

Chen Xinyuan also taught three ways to distinguish fake salt: the first one is to look at the creases on both sides of the package (horizontal bag), the side of the real salt horizontal bag is crease-free; the second one is to see the security logo paste.The laser anti-counterfeiting logo is pasted with the founder's small package of salt. If the paste is obviously skewed, it is likely to be counterfeit salt. The third measure is to take out the mobile phone to scan the code and return one bag one code to the entire production process.Citizens can scan the return QR code on the salt packaging to query the production information of the designated production enterprises. One bag and one code are not repeated.

标签: 深圳借怀生子

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